When living from Oneness, you no longer decide whom you will be close with. Closeness naturally, spontaneously appears. The mind will register this, after the closeness appears. Your intent will open the possibility for closeness, but the potential arises from Something, or Someone, between us ~ all forms ~ in this world of othernesses. This Presence is not inert, a lifeless void, but a Presence alive, an Aliveness-moving. The aliveness of all creatures, even the distinctions that deceive us into thinking we are separate beings, witness to this silent Presence. Intimacy with this Something, means intimate with the aliveness making fellowship among creatures actualized in Communion that transcends, by including, our differences, our particular othernesses.
Communion is solitudes being together
the more one knows himself or herself as solitude the more receptive spontaneously to sharing self-with-self
"'Something' moving between us", then, implies a Fellowship honoring a sense of distance between solitudes
yet, this distance is not empty, a static void the distance is alive, is living
in the human domain, we cannot annul this Something or this distance
Oneness, or nonduality, in this world retains a sense of otherness-with-otherness
this otherness, however, does not make Communion possible the potential is with the Something between us
the Catholic church depicted a Three-of-One ~ Father, Son, Holy Spirit ~ the Holy Spirit being the Love between the Father and Son
an intimation of a Mystery, 'Something' moving between, not only making possible Loving, being-Love-Itself ~ so, "God is Love"
practically, then, I can honor the solitude I am, along with, respecting the solitude the other is ~ two, but one Solitude
see, Communion is Mystery with Mystery never person with person
family, marriage, team, group, congregation, corporation, company, agency ... refer to persons with persons Communion refers to a depth prior to person, reverential Togetherness
solitude, therefore, seeks its likeness "Something" makes this possible ~ Communion happens, and keeps happening, by Grace ~ but, no one knows what this Grace is
*(C) Copyright 2018. Brian K. Wilcox. Photography by Brian K. Wilcox. Move cursor over photos for more details. "God is Love" is from the Holy Bible, I John 4.8.